This frustrating little game is designed to demonstrate a replay system I created. The replay system maps the movements of the player (the little green cube) and all of the cogs, and allows the user to watch their replay after a successful attempt (getting from the white square to the blue one).
This system can (and has, in other versions) been expanded to interact with Unity's built in animator, and other components, to allow even more complex gameplay recording / playback. It has also been designed so that playback can be manipulated - slowed down, sped up, 'scrubbed' / 'scratched', looped, etc. I have also developed some analysis / visualization systems, which I will probably post as a different project.
The current design also has support for saving and loading replays (from within the Unity editor, if desired), so in-house replays can be packaged with the project (as seen in the demo below - the "EXAMPLE" button.
Press Q to reset. I will be adding to this as I get time, so check back for updates.