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This is a project I made for a university project, with a team of six other people.

For those not familiar with XNA, it is a C# framework for making games, created by Microsoft.

The framework provides a basic structure and some helper code for rendering and other elements, but much of the work falls on the programmer to create all game objects.

I was the only programmer for this project, so everything you see was programmed by me (albeit whilst I was still quite new to programming).

Main Menu

Main Menu

The main menu screen for the game.



As you can see, it is a top down combat game. Here we see the main HUD - Health, Energy (for the player's special attack) and Rage (which was a complex resource, which acted a bit like health and energy).



The player can collect scrap from dead enemies, and this can be spent on upgrades and/or unlocking new abilities.

Tonnes of Enemies!

Tonnes of Enemies!

The game features a lot of action - huge numbers of enemies, with flashy/distracting text pop-ups and messages.

Dash Attack

Dash Attack

Here we see one of the special attacks - the dash attack. A cheap power that can be used defensively at early levels, and does damage later on.



Another special here - the bees. They sting enemies and make them run away. They only have a certain number of stings, though. Here we can see them driving away the charging bears.

The Laser

The Laser

Here's the player's main special attack - the laser beam. It incinerates any basic enemies it touches, and if it kills enough, it will activate a powerful wave that will destroy enemies, knock back bosses and magnetize scrap to the player.

Spider Boss

Spider Boss

The game has 3 boss types, each with unique abilities. The Spider fires webs, which slow the player and must be attacked a few times to escape. It also packs a massive wallop, so getting caught for too long can be very dangerous!

Spider Drop

Spider Drop

The Spider boss may also ascend in to the air, before dropping down on to the player, dealing a lot of damage and knock-back, if the player doesn't avoid it.

Boss Reward

Boss Reward

If the player manages to defeat the boss of a level, they are rewarded with a large scrap bonus.

The Bear

The Bear

The bear is the second of the three bosses, and has the power to propel itself across the battlefield with rockets. If it catches the player, it takes them with it and throws them around, dealing a lot of damage. It also leaves a trail of fire behind itself. It's weakness is its taste for honey, however, and it will sometime stop to attack a tree in the hopes of getting a snack.

The Snake

The Snake

The third and final boss is the most complex. The snake becomes invulnerable (blue) when faced by the player. The snake will flash a light at the player, before cloning itself and vanishing, if the player stares at it for too long. The clones do no damage (at first), but make it hard to pick out the original. Once the snake is sufficiently weakened, the clones gain the power to attack, and it will begin to summon them more and more frequently.

The Horde

The Horde

Once the player has bested all 3 bosses individually, they can enter Horde mode, where they can compete for higher and higher scores, facing multiple bosses at the same time.

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